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Do Porcelain Veneers in Fort Lauderdale Stain?

April 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — fortlauderdalesmiles @ 9:27 pm

woman white teethIf you ever felt insecure about your smile because of irreversible stains on your teeth, you already know that getting porcelain veneers in Fort Lauderdale was one of the best decision you could have made! Porcelain veneers are not only a gorgeous upgrade to help people reach their smile goals, but they are largely stain resistant, which helps patients keep their teeth white for years to come.

Learn more about veneers and how to keep them bright and beautiful in this week’s blog post.

Now That I Have Veneers, How Can I Make Them Last?

As you may know, the high-quality veneers that your dentist has placed for you are crafted from thin, professional-grade dental porcelain.  They work to create thin sheaths that are bonded to the front of the teeth, making your most unwanted dental flaws. Veneers work to improve the appearance of teeth and are created to last for at least 10 years with the proper care!

When you think of porcelain, you might think of something fragile, like a porcelain doll. However, dental porcelain is built to withstand the normal wear and tear that any other teeth usually endure. So, with the proper dental care, many patients have porcelain veneers that look gorgeous even after 20 years!

As mentioned above, the lifespan of your porcelain veneers depends on how well you choose to maintain them—this means that your lifestyle choices matter, too! Taking care of your teeth daily can keep your veneers stable because your natural teeth beneath them are in good health.

Also, although veneers are mostly stain resistant compared to your porous teeth, they can also become stained if they are regularly exposed to foods dark food and drinks. Foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, wine, or dark colored berries can tint your veneers darker over time.

Maintenance Tips to Help Your Veneers Last

The key to making your cosmetic dental work is to take care of your veneers just like the rest of your smile as if your veneers are your natural teeth.

Remember to brush and floss every single day just as you normally would. Visiting your dentist is also a key component to maintenance as your dentist can check on the stability of your veneers and professionally clean them.

By following these simple steps, you can easily keep your new smile in great shape for years and years! Get the assistance you need to maintain your porcelain veneers from your dentist.

About Our Office

Here at Mingel Dental, our biggest priority is always making sure that your smile is in good health—but we want you to love how your smile looks as well. Learn more about how we may be able to improve your oral health and aesthetics by giving your dentist in Fort Lauderdale a quick call.



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